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Publisher FAQs
Advertiser FAQs
Membership Levels FAQs
You display txtex text advertisements on your webpage, and for every valid click generated on an ad, you will receive some credits. You can then add your own advertisements to our system, and your ads will be served on other members’ webpages.
You will earn 0.7 credits per click on advertisements served on a valid website. If you qualify for Premium membership, qualifying websites will earn 0.85 credits per click. Members who opt for the paid Platinum membership will earn a flat 1 credits per click on all valid websites.
Impressions need to be tracked in order for our fraud detection algorithms to function properly. Additionally, advertisers will want access to click-thru rates in order to gauge the performance of their ad campaigns.
If you place your ad code on an invalid webpage (see the Add a Site page for examples of invalid webpages), a Public Service Announcement or a Default Advertisement will be served instead of member ads. Credits will NOT be earned for clicks on these text links.
If an advertisement is served on your website, and a click is generated but our system determines it is invalid, the user/system/bot that generated the click will be forwarded to that advertiser’s website anyway, but the publisher will earn no credits for that click. The advertiser will also not be charged for that click.
You will NEVER see inappropriate content displayed on a text ad served on your website. All ads are manually reviewed for appropriateness and must comply with our Ad Quality Requirements. There may be a small chance an advertiser might change the content on the ad landing page to fall outside of our Ad Quality Requirements after approval. In these instances, you should report offenses to our admin and the advertiser’s account will be thoroughly reviewed. If an advertiser is found to have willfully and maliciously circumvented the Ad Quality Requirements by changing landing page content after approval, the advertiser’s account will be immediately terminated. If you report an offense that results in an advertiser’s account termination, you will receive a bonus bounty of credits.
No, and that is NOT the intent of the txtex network. Among many other factors, your Google PageRank is determined in part by the number of organic incoming links. The txtex Network is not attempting to create these links, it is serving a piece of javascript advertising. Just as using contextual text ad networks such as Google Adsense or Yahoo Publisher Network do not affect the pageranks of their advertisers, using txtex will have no effect on your pageranks.
There are two ways ads and websites are approved. The first is with direct administration approval: the admin team reviews all submissions manually, views the pages source codes, and ensures that all submissions are safe and acceptable. The other is community moderation: a pool of sites and ads are available for members to review. A member will be shown several sites and ads to review, and must determine whether or not those sites or ads are acceptable. This moderation process is highly controlled; there are control sites and ads that are obviously acceptable or unacceptable that are peppered within the pool, and if a member does not mark those control sites/ads correctly, he or she will be prevented from future moderation. Additionally, each site/ad receives at least five votes from members and must receive four acceptable votes before being accepted.
No. You can still create an account without adding a website and purchase credits for self-directed advertising.
txtex does not sell CPM advertising in an effort to maximize the advertiser’s ROI and reduce the likelihood of publisher fraud.
For every click received on one of your advertisements, one credit will be deducted from your account. Credit packages vary by size, so your CPC may be lower if you buy larger credit packages. See the Ad Packages page for more information.
If you sign up for txtex and purchase credits, and are unsatisfied with the results from your ad campaigns, please immediately pause all ad campaigns and contact our support team. You will qualify for a refund of all unused credits. Generally, refunds are not given for spent credits, but they may be refunded on a case-by-case basis under certain circumstances.
Both publisher and advertiser accounts are treated the same on the txtex network. Simply use any Registration link to create your txtex account.
You are allowed 25 characters for the ad title, 70 characters for the ad text, and your click-thru URL must be under 255 characters.
Once ads are submitted they cannot be editted. If you notice an error, or if you would like to change any part of the ad, simply create another ad with those changes and delete the old one.
The aggregrate statistics remain in our database for up to 45 days after an ad is deleted. However, after you delete an ad, you cannot view its individual detailed statistics.
Fraudulent clicks are filtered out dynamically, and detected as they happen. If a user generates a fraudulent click, he or she is redirected to your website anyway, and you are not charged for that visit. Consider it free traffic, on the house. The statistics for these invalid clicks are stored in our database, but are only visible to admin.
Premium membership is a free membership option that rewards webmasters that create high-quality websites that perform well. See the Membership Levels page and High Quality Requirements for more details.
On the first of every month, the click-stats for your past month are calculated. If you generated at least 100 clicks, you will have met this Premium membership requirement for this current month. This requirement is recalculated every month; to maintain your Premium membership you must generate at least 100 clicks every month.
Platinum membership increases the credit-earning ratios. Publishers who generate high amounts of traffic should consider Platinum membership because it increases the return you receive per advertisement click.
If you allow your Platinum status to expire, your account will be automatically converted to a free account. If your account qualifies for Premium membership, it will automatically be granted.
You will receive an e-mail notice, and see a persistant notice on top of your member homepage. Your account will then be set on a Limited status, and your credit earning levels are halved. You must delete enough sites and ads from your account until you are under your allowed limit. Once this happens, your account will automatically be restored to full status. If your account was converted to Basic, you can wait until next month to see if your account qualifies for Premium status. Alternatively, you can upgrade your account to Platinum.
Yes. Our Platinum membership system differs from other sites in that Platinum membership is granted on a per-day basis, so you can extend your membership at ANY time. For example, if you purchased a 3 month Platinum membership, your account would reflect Platinum membership for (3x30+1=91 days). At any time during those 91 days, you can purchase more days. You might want to do this if a special or sale is being offered on Platinum memberships during those 91 days and you want to lock-in a cheaper rate.
Unfortunately, unlike for credit packages, we cannot offer refunds for Platinum memberships for various reasons. If you are unsure of whether or not Platinum is right for you, you should purchase a small interval at first to see if it’s worth it before buying a longer membership extension. Or, you could wait until the administration offers free trial or discounted memberships. Keep an eye out for notices in your Member Home!
Paying for membership does not grant you a get-out-of-jail-free card. You do not automatically get a second chance other members don’t have. For any given Terms of Service violation, if a free member were to violate it and receive account termination, a platinum member should expect the same treatment.
The administration takes account termination very seriously and only terminates accounts that egregiously violate the Terms of Service. For minor violations, your account may be docked credits, your membership term reduced, receive a temporary suspension, or some other minor punishment. Refunds are not offered for accounts that are terminated for egregious TOS violations. During your Platinum membership purchase, you entered into a contractually binding agreement to not initiate a chargeback with your payment processor. If a chargeback is initiated, you will be subject to legal action. Please review the Terms of Service for more details on jurisdictions, arbitration, and your legal rights. For a majority of members, this topic will not apply to you at all. Just follow the rules, and you will have nothing to worry about.